
Saturday, January 31, 2015

About Nails Care and their Abnormalities

About Nails Health

What you know about your Nails???
Nails made from the same substance your body uses to create hair and the top layer of your skin. You had fingernails and toenails before you were even born.
You may not think about your nails, but they are an important part of your body and come in handy. Just think how tough it would be to scratch an annoying itch if you didn't have nails. Or to pick up a penny from the ground. They not only help you do things, but your nails protect your fingers and toes. Also, the look of your nails sometimes can help doctors tell if you are healthy or sick.

Nails Growth:
According to Wikipedia, The growing part of the nail is under the skin at the nail's proximal end under the epidermis, which is the only living part of a nail.
In mammals, the growth rate of nails is related to the length of the terminal phalanges (outermost finger bones). Thus, in humans, the nail of the index finger grows faster than that of the little finger; and fingernails grow up to four times faster than toenails.
In humans, nails grow at an average rate of 3 mm (0.12 in) a month. Fingernails require three to six months to regrow completely, and toenails require 12 to 18 months. Actual growth rate is dependent upon age, sex, season, exercise level, diet, and hereditary factors. Nails grow faster in the summer than in any other season. Contrary to popular belief, nails do not continue to grow after death; the skin dehydrates and tightens, making the nails (and hair) appear to grow 

Some Nails Abnormalities

Spoon Nails
Spoon nails are a common nail abnormality that can be easily overlooked because the mildest cases are hard to recognize. But be observant; early detection can alert clients to the early stages of a more serious medical condition.

Thick Nails
Sometimes, the big toenails become so overgrown and thickened that they resemble claws and are almost impossible to cut with conventional nail clippers. This nail disorder is known as onychogryphosis ("ram's horn nails"), and is seen in older people or as a response to long-term pressure on the nails. Regular chiropody can help, but sometimes the nails need to be removed by a podiatrist or doctor
Your toenails can thicken for many reasons. These include:
  • Psoriasis
  • Injury
  • Fungal infections


Finger nail ridges, and brittle fingernails or brittle toenails in particular, may be caused by aging, or may indicate disorders such as hypothyroidism, or a lack of important minerals and vitamins for hair and nails.

most common causes of nail loosening, known medically as onycholysis, are infection and trauma. The most common type of infection is caused by a nail fungusand is known as onychomycosis. Onychomycosis is a common toenail infection but can also occur in fingernails, especially in people who work in occupations where their hands are overly exposed to water.

Brittle Nails
This is not dangerous and in most cases leukonychia is a result of insignificant injury of the nail matrix that take place when the nail was developing. The leuconychia could be found under some medical condition or could be a result of cytotoxic medications. Leukonychia can also occur as an unusual side effect of systemic chemotherapy in some people. Or perhaps leuconychia may also be found in people with arsenic poisoning, kidney failure , respiratory condition, and so on. Inherited leukonychia occurs since birth. Leukonychia totalis occurs in early childhood days. 

Beautifully shaped, long fingernails are known to add to the beauty of an individual. You must know that like other parts nails also possess an important part of your body and thus proper nail care is very important. There are a number of home remedies for nail growth.
  • Drink lots of fruit juices and water. If you are suffering from brittle nails then you should take one calcium tablet every day.
  • Cutting nails too deep should be avoided as it affects the growth.
  • A proper care of your cuticles help you avoid many nail related diseases.
  • Massage your cuticles softly with lukewarm olive or coconut oil. Then apply a cuticle remover to make the cuticles softer. Take out all the dead skins around the cuticles with an orange wood stick.
  • Vegetable oil is also among the top home remedies for nail care because it’s able to compensate for the moisture lost due to frequent water exposure.
  • You must trim down and shape your nails properly with the help of nail files and nail clippers. But remember one thing wash your nails properly before start the process.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Beetroots and Their Health Benefits

Beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans. By the 19th century it held great commercial value when it was discovered that beets could be converted into sugar. Today, the leading commercial producers include the USA, Russia, France, Poland and Germany. Many classic beetroot recipes are associated with central and Eastern Europe including the famous beetroot soup known as borscht. Beetroot's earthy charm has resulted in its ubiquitous influence on fashionable menus and recipes. Its delicious but distinctive flavor and nutritional status have escalated it to the root you can't beat.

Beetroot should be stored at 0ÂșC with a relative humidity of 90 - 100%. In an acid environment the colour pigments are more stable than at a higher pH. This is why pickled beetroot has such a good colour. At an alkaline pH the colour dissipates to a brownish purple. Consumer Storage: The roots should be put in the fridge in the crisper. Don’t wrap them. The leaves should be put in the fridge too, but in a plastic bag

Beetroot contains some fiber, potassium and B group vitamins particularly folate. It also contributes a small amount of iron and vitamin C. Beetroot contains a unique group of red pigments called the betalains, which are responsible for the vegetable’s high antioxidant potency.

  • Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like beetroot decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetesheart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.

  • Beetroot fiber has been shown to increase the level of antioxidant enzymes in the body, (specifically one called glutathione peroxidase), as well as increase the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for detecting and eliminating abnormal cells. Beets are also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal tract.

  • Beetroot contains folic acid which is essential for normal tissue growth. Folic acid is crucial to the development of a baby’s spinal cord during the first three months of pregnancy and can help prevent spinal cord defects such as spina bifida. Beetroot also contains iron so is a fab pick me up for mums to be suffering from fatigue during pregnancy. Expectant mums must remember though that cooked beetroot has lower levels of folic acid than raw beetroot. 

How to Be a Good Boyfriend and Connect Better With Your Girlfriend

Every one know, being a good boyfriend is not always easy, even if you have an amazing girlfriend. To be a good boyfriend, you have to know how to communicate with your girl, and how to be loving and affectionate without smothering her. A good boyfriend knows how to understand where his girlfriend is coming and when to give her space. If you want to know how to do it, just read below lines.

Step No.1
In any relationship, honesty is almost always the best policy. If you're honest from the beginning of your relationship, then you'll be less likely to run into trouble down the line. To be honest, you should be comfortable telling your girlfriend what you were up to when you were together and to talk about your past without going into too much detail.
When you take the time in your relationship to create an environment where your lady is free and encouraged to share her feelings, thoughts and emotions with you, she will open up to you fully and completely and submit to you because she feels safe and comfortable enough letting you take the lead in the relationship. Your ability to maintain your girls high level of comfort with you will be essential to your overall happiness and well being. Nothing can be more challenging to a man than having to deal with a woman who becomes more and more resentful, angry, hurt and pissed off over time because he does not understand how to communicate with and understand her effectively.

Step No.2
Engage in activities that are important to her. For example, if she loves art, surprise her by bringing her to a new museum or an art gallery. By showing that you care about the things she loves, you'll be showing her that you pay attention to what she cares about and likes, and this is an important aspect of building a healthy relationship.

Step No.3
Trust your girlfriend and give her reason to trust you. Trust should form the foundation of your relationship; after all, love is a combination of trust and commitment. This will allow you to create a more open relationship toward each other, as well as creating a very good understanding in what your mate wants, feels, and needs.

Step No.4
Touch your girlfriend -- not just in a sexual way. Routine touch in the forms of hugging, hand-holding and cuddling can strengthen your bond and create passion. Many women respond well to loving, affectionate acts that are non-sexual. Do not ever expect something in return your girlfriend may not always want or need sex, but she may desire to be comforted physically in other ways

Step No.5
You should compliment your girlfriend as often as you can without making her feel smothered. You should both compliment her looks, letting her know that she looks cute whether she's all dressed up or just hanging out in casual clothes, and her personality. That way, she'll know that you care about her appearance and what's on the inside. Girls generally earn confidence about themselves if you tell them reasons they should be.

Step No.6
Show and tell your girlfriend how you feel about her. Many women look for signs of vulnerability and sensitivity in the men they date. If you love her deeply, tell her that you do; then show her how you feel by taking her hand while you walk down the street, sending her flowers, or sending her text messages or emails telling her that you are thinking about her. Even after a woman knows that you love and care about her, she still likes to hear it from you.

Step No. 7
Do new things together. By trying out new activities or going new places, you will connect by experiencing new and different things as a couple. You will be creating happy, meaningful memories that will become part of your connection as a couple.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Quite Smoking

First we want to congratulate you, to reading this lines, because it's a big step to becoming Tobacco free life..
Many peoples don't quite smoking because they think its very hard and they can't do that, and it's true for most people quitting smoking is not very easy, because the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerfully addictive drug. But with positive thinking, confidence and right approach you can overcome the craving.

Step to becoming a smoke free life 

  • Write down the a list of reason why you want to stop
Get some facts. Look up smoking on the internet and find out the history behind it, and what happens to smokers later on in life. You'll learn about the profit motives behind the industry as well as some medically gruesome reasons to quit.
Also get the facts about any quit-smoking product or technique you're considering, as research shows that some are more effective than others. Your local consumer or community health organization might have comparison charts for you to check out

  • Set a date to quite smoking

Some people prefer the idea of cutting down gradually. However, research has shown that if you smoke fewer cigarettes than usual, you are likely to smoke more of each cigarette, and nicotine levels remain nearly the same. Therefore, it is usually best to stop once and for all from a set date.

  • Tell yours friends and family members that your are giving up smoking
People are more likely to succeed at quitting when friends and family help. If you don't want to tell your family that you smoke, ask friends to help you quit. Consider confiding in a counselor or other adult you trust. If it's hard to find people who support you (like if your friends smoke and aren't interested in quitting), join an online or in-person support group

  • Delay 
If you feel like you're going to give in to your tobacco craving, tell yourself that you must first wait 10 more minutes and then do something to distract yourself for that period of time. This simple trick may be enough to derail your tobacco craving. Repeat as often as needed
  • Be positive and confident that you can successfully quit
You can tell people that you don't smoke. You will smell better. After a few weeks you should feel better, taste your food more, and cough less. You will have more money. Perhaps put away the money, which you would have spent on cigarettes, for treat

  • Find a medication or a doctor to help you quit smoking.
If you are a chain smoker then maybe you need Nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine patches release a steady stream of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin, and nicotine gum delivers nicotine through the lining in your mouth. Other forms of nicotine replacement therapy include nicotine sprays and inhalers that also work by delivering nicotine to your body. Alternatively, ask your doctor about prescription medications to help you quit

  • If you fail just start again and again
Just Think You haven’t failed. Some people have to quit as many as eight times before they are successful.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Major Diseases Caused By Smoking

What is Cigarette
The main ingredient in cigarettes is tobacco. Tobacco is a green, leafy plant that is grown in warm climates. Farmers use many chemicals to grow tobacco. They use fertilizers to make the soil rich and insecticides to kill the insects that eat the tobacco plant.

Most Dangerous Chemical in a cigarette and their common uses
  • Carbon monoxide: Used in chemical manufacturing and found in car exhaust
  • Nicotine: highly addictive, bug sprays
  • Tar: a mixture of dangerous chemicals, material to make roads
  • Arsenic: used in wood preservatives, rat poison
  • Ammonia: used to make fertilizers and explosives also found in cleaning products
  • Hydrogen Cyanide: gas chamber poison and also used as an industrial pesticide
  • Cadmium: Used in Battery 
  • And many more

Major Diseases Caused By Smoking
Smokers are more likely to get cancer than non-smokers. This is particularly true of lung cancer, throat cancer and mouth cancer, which hardly ever affect non-smokers. Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body see below the detail
  • Bladder
  • Blood (acute myeloid leukemia)
  • Cervix
  • Colon and rectum (colorectal)
  • Esophagus
  • Kidney and ureter
  • Larynx
  • Liver
  • Oropharynx (includes parts of the throat, tongue, soft palate, and the tonsils)
  • Pancreas
  • Stomach
  • Trachea, bronchus, and lung
Lung Diseases:

Smoking accounts for 87% of lung cancer deaths in men and 70% in women. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, and is one of the hardest cancers to treat.
Lung cancer can often be prevented. Some religious groups that promote non-smoking as part of their religion, such as Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists, have much lower rates of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers.

Smoking other health risk:
Smoking can make it harder for a woman to become pregnant and can affect her baby's health before and after birth. Smoking increases risks for:
  • Preterm (early) delivery
  • Stillbirth (death of the baby before birth)
  • Low birth weight
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (known as SIDS or crib death)
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Factorial clefts in infants
Smoking raises blood pressure - a risk factor for heart attacks and stroke.
Smoking worsens asthma and counteracts asthma medication by worsening the inflammation of the airways that the medicine tries to ease.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

About Garlic and their benefits

Garlic is a member of the onion family which also includes onions, of course, and chives, shallots, spring onions and leeks. Throughout history garlic has been the topic of many old wives tales and folklores, from keeping vampire away to curing toothache if held in the palm of your hand! Garlic has long been recorded of having cured this and that. There is some truth in these, as recent research has shown that the entire onion family, particularly garlic, does have some properties that destroy bacteria and protect against heart disease.
Garlic has been cultivated in Central Asia for thousands of years. As early as 2000 BC, the Chines were using it in their cooking. Garlic is now used worldwide. The most common varieties of garlic contain 10 cloves (or segments) with white skin on them. Other varieties have pink or purple skin and larger cloves, the stronger the taste.


Stored at 0 C with a relative humidity of 65-70% garlic will keep for  6 - 7 months. Short term holding is in a cool, dark, well ventilated.

For most people garlic is eaten only in small quantities so is more important for its great test that nutritional value, however as the potent powers of garlic are being realized many people are deciding to eat more! Garlic is a concentrated mixture if phytochemicals, which are likely to interact and have synergistic effects. The major phytochemicals are sulphur containing compounds and saponins. Some flavoring are also present. Garlic also supplies vitamins, particularly vitamin C and B6. There is also  an assortment of mineral in small, but useful, amount

You can eat garlic raw or cocked. Using raw garlic produces a strong pungent flavor whilst cooking produce a more mellow flavor. The longer you cook it the milder and sweeter the flavor. It's usually used in  small amounts, say tow or three cloves to a dish, but some traditional recipes suggest up to 30 or 40. Garlic burns easily, so take care when you fry or saute it. Garlic can be added to lots if dishes, vegetable dishes, meats, soup, dips, stir-fries and casseroles.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What is Vitamin And Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are substance you body needs in small  amounts for normal growth, function and health. Together, vitamins and mineral are called micronutrients. Your body can't make most micronutrients, so you must get them from the foods you eat or, in some cases, from supplements.


You need vitamins for normal body function, mental alertness and resistance to infection. They enable your body to process proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Certain vitamins also help you produce blood cells, hormones genetics material and chemicals in your nervous system.

The 14 essential vitamins fall into two categories:

  • Fat Soluble: Vitamins A, D, E and K. They're stored in your body's fat. Vitamins A and D are also stored in your liver. Some fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A and D, can build up in your body and cause problems.
  • Water Soluble: Vitamin C, choline, biotin and seven B vitamins: thiamin (B-1), riboflavin (B-2), niacin (B-3), pantothenic acid (B-5), pyridoxine (B-6), folate (B-9) annd cobalamin (B-12). They're stored in the body to a lesser extent then are fat-soluble vitamins.
A vitamin may occur in different forms. For example, vitamin A occur as retinol in animal products and as carotenoid in plants. This may account for different results seen in nutrition studies. Nutrition experts are explring the roles that each vitamin from plays in health.


Your body also needs minerals. Major minerals (those needed in larger amount) include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are important tn the development health of bones and teeth. Sodium, potassium and chloride, known as electrolytes, are important in regulating the water and chemical balance in your body. In addition, your body needs smaller amounts of chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc. These are all necessary for normal growth and health.

The right balance:  
Having the right balance of vitamins and minerals in your body is essential. Prolonged vitamin or mineral deficiencies can cause health problems, such as night blindness (Vitamin A deficiency), pemicious anemia (Vitamin B-12 deficiency) and anemia (Iron deficiency). A poor diet can contribute to these deficiency. However, too much of some vitamins and minerals from high-dose supplements can cause toxic reaction.

If you any question regarding the Vitamins and Minerals please feel free to ask us
we are awaiting for yours comments..

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Lose Weight While You Watch Movie

(Ab Film Dekh Kar Apna Wazan Kam Karen)

Ab motay (Fat) logon k liye dubla hona kuch mushkil nahi raha, Scientist din-ba-din motapay se chutkara hasil karne k liye new researchs kar rahe hain, aur ek aesi hi reserch k nateejay main ye bat samne aai hai kay ab apko motapay se jaan chhurrany k liye alag alag taraha ki exercise aur medicine khane ki zarorat nahi hai.

British University ki ek latest research kay mutabiq Khofnak (horror) movies dekhne se ap kay jism ki charbi pighalti hai. Aese log jo 1 and 2 hour ki duration wali horror movies dekhte hain un k jism se 113 calories burn ho jati hain jo taqreeban half hour ki walk k brabar hai, kuch movies to motay (Fat) afrad k liye ziada hi mozoon hain jin main srefehrist Hollywood ki movie "The Shining" hai jo 184 calories tak burn kar deti hai.

Tu ab mera ye apko mashwara hai k agar ap waqai hi motapay se pareshan hain aur apna weight lose krna chate hain tu Exercise k sath sath horror movies dekhne ki bhi adat dalen ta kay ap jald az jald motay pan se jaan chhurra saken aur apna weight apni requirement tak la saken

(if any query pls comment)