
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Be a Good Boyfriend and Connect Better With Your Girlfriend

Every one know, being a good boyfriend is not always easy, even if you have an amazing girlfriend. To be a good boyfriend, you have to know how to communicate with your girl, and how to be loving and affectionate without smothering her. A good boyfriend knows how to understand where his girlfriend is coming and when to give her space. If you want to know how to do it, just read below lines.

Step No.1
In any relationship, honesty is almost always the best policy. If you're honest from the beginning of your relationship, then you'll be less likely to run into trouble down the line. To be honest, you should be comfortable telling your girlfriend what you were up to when you were together and to talk about your past without going into too much detail.
When you take the time in your relationship to create an environment where your lady is free and encouraged to share her feelings, thoughts and emotions with you, she will open up to you fully and completely and submit to you because she feels safe and comfortable enough letting you take the lead in the relationship. Your ability to maintain your girls high level of comfort with you will be essential to your overall happiness and well being. Nothing can be more challenging to a man than having to deal with a woman who becomes more and more resentful, angry, hurt and pissed off over time because he does not understand how to communicate with and understand her effectively.

Step No.2
Engage in activities that are important to her. For example, if she loves art, surprise her by bringing her to a new museum or an art gallery. By showing that you care about the things she loves, you'll be showing her that you pay attention to what she cares about and likes, and this is an important aspect of building a healthy relationship.

Step No.3
Trust your girlfriend and give her reason to trust you. Trust should form the foundation of your relationship; after all, love is a combination of trust and commitment. This will allow you to create a more open relationship toward each other, as well as creating a very good understanding in what your mate wants, feels, and needs.

Step No.4
Touch your girlfriend -- not just in a sexual way. Routine touch in the forms of hugging, hand-holding and cuddling can strengthen your bond and create passion. Many women respond well to loving, affectionate acts that are non-sexual. Do not ever expect something in return your girlfriend may not always want or need sex, but she may desire to be comforted physically in other ways

Step No.5
You should compliment your girlfriend as often as you can without making her feel smothered. You should both compliment her looks, letting her know that she looks cute whether she's all dressed up or just hanging out in casual clothes, and her personality. That way, she'll know that you care about her appearance and what's on the inside. Girls generally earn confidence about themselves if you tell them reasons they should be.

Step No.6
Show and tell your girlfriend how you feel about her. Many women look for signs of vulnerability and sensitivity in the men they date. If you love her deeply, tell her that you do; then show her how you feel by taking her hand while you walk down the street, sending her flowers, or sending her text messages or emails telling her that you are thinking about her. Even after a woman knows that you love and care about her, she still likes to hear it from you.

Step No. 7
Do new things together. By trying out new activities or going new places, you will connect by experiencing new and different things as a couple. You will be creating happy, meaningful memories that will become part of your connection as a couple.

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