
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Side Effects Of Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone

Side effects

Mobile phone has become necessity of every human being. One can’t imagine the life without it. Today, cell phones are among the most popular means of communication throughout the world. However, concerns are being raised over the possible effects of the radiations emitted by them. Read on to know more.

Loss of Hearing
mobile phone side effects

The radiation emitted by cell phones can damage delicate workings of the inner ear. People who are subjected to long-term mobile phone use are at a higher risk of developing hearing loss. Today, there are ever-increasing numbers of people between 18 and 25 years suffering from hearing loss. Doctors consider excessive use of cell phones and other gadgets a major reason behind it. A person who spends more than two to three hours on the cell phone every day runs the risk of partial deafness over three to five years.

Accident and Health
mobile phone side effects

Most of the accidents that happen daily arise because of mobile phones. The mobile phones have resulted in dangerous driving, whose direct impact can be seen in increasing no. of accidents. Apart from accidents, mobile phones have bad impact on health as well. Several researches conducted by the health experts have proved the bad impact of mobile phones on health.

mobile phone side effects

Another damage that a mobile phone could cause to human health is cancer. As deadly as we all know cancer to be, did you know that a mobile phone can also contribute to it? Research has made us known that cancer can also be gotten through mobile phone usage. Mobile phone emits radio waves which heats up the tissues in the body and thereby causes damages in the body system which later results to cancer.

By getting to know the health defects attached to the frequent use of a mobile phone, you will agree with me that the best way to avoid causing hazard to your health is by reducing the rate at which you allow your phone to come in contact with your skin.

Effect on Sperm Count and Quality
mobile phone side effects

Several studies have shown a direct relation between decrease in sperm count and extensive use of mobile phones. These studies were in the form of controlled experiments that were conducted on human subjects, and experiments conducted on sperms to assess their quality. In case of every subject, the count and quality of sperms was checked. As a part of these studies, couples facing difficulties in child-bearing were asked questions about their lifestyle and whether it involved heavy use of cell phones. There was a link found between fertility problems and excessive cell phone usage. The University of Athens conducted an experiment on fruit flies, wherein the insects were exposed to radiation for a few minutes. The exposure was found to result in a decrease in their reproductive capacity.

The growth in mobile phone technology is taking place at a rapid pace. On the other hand, researchers have not made any major breakthroughs to prove the actual effects of cellular radiation. It is best to minimize the exposure to cell phone radiation by avoiding their overuse.

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