
Saturday, January 31, 2015

About Nails Care and their Abnormalities

About Nails Health

What you know about your Nails???
Nails made from the same substance your body uses to create hair and the top layer of your skin. You had fingernails and toenails before you were even born.
You may not think about your nails, but they are an important part of your body and come in handy. Just think how tough it would be to scratch an annoying itch if you didn't have nails. Or to pick up a penny from the ground. They not only help you do things, but your nails protect your fingers and toes. Also, the look of your nails sometimes can help doctors tell if you are healthy or sick.

Nails Growth:
According to Wikipedia, The growing part of the nail is under the skin at the nail's proximal end under the epidermis, which is the only living part of a nail.
In mammals, the growth rate of nails is related to the length of the terminal phalanges (outermost finger bones). Thus, in humans, the nail of the index finger grows faster than that of the little finger; and fingernails grow up to four times faster than toenails.
In humans, nails grow at an average rate of 3 mm (0.12 in) a month. Fingernails require three to six months to regrow completely, and toenails require 12 to 18 months. Actual growth rate is dependent upon age, sex, season, exercise level, diet, and hereditary factors. Nails grow faster in the summer than in any other season. Contrary to popular belief, nails do not continue to grow after death; the skin dehydrates and tightens, making the nails (and hair) appear to grow 

Some Nails Abnormalities

Spoon Nails
Spoon nails are a common nail abnormality that can be easily overlooked because the mildest cases are hard to recognize. But be observant; early detection can alert clients to the early stages of a more serious medical condition.

Thick Nails
Sometimes, the big toenails become so overgrown and thickened that they resemble claws and are almost impossible to cut with conventional nail clippers. This nail disorder is known as onychogryphosis ("ram's horn nails"), and is seen in older people or as a response to long-term pressure on the nails. Regular chiropody can help, but sometimes the nails need to be removed by a podiatrist or doctor
Your toenails can thicken for many reasons. These include:
  • Psoriasis
  • Injury
  • Fungal infections


Finger nail ridges, and brittle fingernails or brittle toenails in particular, may be caused by aging, or may indicate disorders such as hypothyroidism, or a lack of important minerals and vitamins for hair and nails.

most common causes of nail loosening, known medically as onycholysis, are infection and trauma. The most common type of infection is caused by a nail fungusand is known as onychomycosis. Onychomycosis is a common toenail infection but can also occur in fingernails, especially in people who work in occupations where their hands are overly exposed to water.

Brittle Nails
This is not dangerous and in most cases leukonychia is a result of insignificant injury of the nail matrix that take place when the nail was developing. The leuconychia could be found under some medical condition or could be a result of cytotoxic medications. Leukonychia can also occur as an unusual side effect of systemic chemotherapy in some people. Or perhaps leuconychia may also be found in people with arsenic poisoning, kidney failure , respiratory condition, and so on. Inherited leukonychia occurs since birth. Leukonychia totalis occurs in early childhood days. 

Beautifully shaped, long fingernails are known to add to the beauty of an individual. You must know that like other parts nails also possess an important part of your body and thus proper nail care is very important. There are a number of home remedies for nail growth.
  • Drink lots of fruit juices and water. If you are suffering from brittle nails then you should take one calcium tablet every day.
  • Cutting nails too deep should be avoided as it affects the growth.
  • A proper care of your cuticles help you avoid many nail related diseases.
  • Massage your cuticles softly with lukewarm olive or coconut oil. Then apply a cuticle remover to make the cuticles softer. Take out all the dead skins around the cuticles with an orange wood stick.
  • Vegetable oil is also among the top home remedies for nail care because it’s able to compensate for the moisture lost due to frequent water exposure.
  • You must trim down and shape your nails properly with the help of nail files and nail clippers. But remember one thing wash your nails properly before start the process.

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